Variable Shape LMDB String Data Store

Local LMDB Backend Implementation, Identifier: LMDB_30

Backend Identifiers

  • Backend: 3
  • Version: 0
  • Format Code: 30
  • Canonical Name: LMDB_30

Storage Method

  • This module is meant to handle string typed data which is of any size. IO is performed via the LMDB storage system.

  • This module does not compress values upon writing, the full (uncompressed) value of the text is written to the DB for each key.

  • For each LMDB file generated, data is indexed by keys which are generated in lexicographically sorted order of key length 4. Keys consist of 4 characters chosen from an alphabet consisting of ASCII digits, lowercase letters, and upercase letters. Within a single write instance (when an LMDB file is created and written to), lexicographically sorted permutations of the chosen characters are used as key indexes.

    This means that for each LMDB file written in a repo, the sequence of generated index keys will be identical, even though two databases with the same key will store different values. As such, the File UID is crucial in order to identify a unique db/index key combo to access a particular value by.

  • There is no limit to the size which each record can occupy. Data is stored “as-is” and is uncompressed. Reading the data back will return the exact data stored (regardless of how large the data record is).

  • On read and write of all samples the xxhash64_hexdigest is calculated for the raw data bytes. This is to ensure that all data in == data out of the lmdb files. That way even if a file is manually edited we have a quick way to tell that things are not as they should be. (full data hash digests may not be calculated every time a read is performed).

Compression Options


Record Format

Fields Recorded for Each Array

  • Format Code
  • File UID
  • Row Index


  1. Adding the first piece of data to a file:

    • File UID: “rlUK3C”
    • Row Index: “0123”
    • xxhash64_hexdigest: 8067007c0f05c359

    Record Data => "30:rlUK3C:0123:8067007c0f05c359"

  2. Adding a second piece of data:

    • File UID: “rlUK3C”
    • Row Index: “0124”
    • xxhash64_hexdigest: b89f873d3d153a9c

    Record Data => "30:rlUK3C:0124:b89f873d3d153a9c"

  3. Adding a the 500th piece of data:

    • File UID: “rlUK3C”
    • Row Index: “01AU”
    • xxhash64_hexdigest: cf3fc53cad153a5a

    Record Data => "30:rlUK3C:01AU:cf3fc53cad153a5a"