Remote Server Unknown Backend

Remote server location unknown backend, Identifier: REMOTE_50

Backend Identifiers

  • Backend: 5

  • Version: 0

  • Format Code: 50

  • Canonical Name: REMOTE_50

Storage Method

  • This backend merely acts to record that there is some data sample with some hash and schema_shape present in the repository. It does not store the actual data on the local disk, but indicates that if it should be retrieved, you need to ask the remote hangar server for it. Once present on the local disk, the backend locating info will be updated with one of the local data backend specifications.

Record Format

Fields Recorded for Each Array

  • Format Code

  • Schema Hash

Separators used

  • SEP_KEY: ":"


  1. Adding the first piece of data to a file:

    • Schema Hash: “ae43A21a”

    Record Data => '50:ae43A21a'

  1. Adding to a piece of data to a the middle of a file:

    • Schema Hash: “ae43A21a”

    Record Data => '50:ae43A21a'

Technical Notes

  • The schema_hash field is required in order to allow effective placement of actual retrieved data into suitable sized collections on a fetch-data() operation