Local HDF5 Backend

Local HDF5 Backend Implementation, Identifier: HDF5_00

Backend Identifiers

  • Backend: 0

  • Version: 0

  • Format Code: 00

  • Canonical Name: HDF5_00

Storage Method

  • Data is written to specific subarray indexes inside an HDF5 “dataset” in a single HDF5 File.

  • In each HDF5 File there are COLLECTION_COUNT “datasets” (named ["0" : "{COLLECTION_COUNT}"]). These are referred to as "dataset number"

  • Each dataset is a zero-initialized array of:

    • dtype: {schema_dtype}; ie np.float32 or np.uint8

    • shape: (COLLECTION_SIZE, *{schema_shape.size}); ie (500, 10) or (500, 300). The first index in the dataset is referred to as a collection index. See technical note below for detailed explanation on why the flatten operaiton is performed.

  • Compression Filters, Chunking Configuration/Options are applied globally for all datasets in a file at dataset creation time.

  • On read and write of all samples the xxhash64_hexdigest is calculated for the raw array bytes. This is to ensure that all data in == data out of the hdf5 files. That way even if a file is manually edited (bypassing fletcher32 filter check) we have a quick way to tell that things are not as they should be.

Compression Options

Accepts dictionary containing keys

  • backend == "00"

  • complib

  • complevel

  • shuffle


  • complib valid values:

    • 'blosc:blosclz',

    • 'blosc:lz4',

    • 'blosc:lz4hc',

    • 'blosc:zlib',

    • 'blosc:zstd'

  • complevel valid values: [0, 9] where 0 is “no compression” and 9 is “most compression”

  • shuffle valid values:

    • None

    • 'none'

    • 'byte'

    • 'bit'

LZF Filter

  • 'complib' == 'lzf'

  • 'shuffle' one of [False, None, 'none', True, 'byte']

  • 'complevel' one of [False, None, 'none']

GZip Filter

  • 'complib' == 'gzip'

  • 'shuffle' one of [False, None, 'none', True, 'byte']

  • complevel valid values: [0, 9] where 0 is “no compression” and 9 is “most compression”

Record Format

Fields Recorded for Each Array

  • Format Code

  • File UID

  • xxhash64_hexdigest (ie. checksum)

  • Dataset Number (0:COLLECTION_COUNT dataset selection)

  • Dataset Index (0:COLLECTION_SIZE dataset subarray selection)

  • Subarray Shape


  1. Adding the first piece of data to a file:

    • Array shape (Subarray Shape): (10, 10)

    • File UID: “rlUK3C”

    • xxhash64_hexdigest: 8067007c0f05c359

    • Dataset Number: 16

    • Collection Index: 105

    Record Data => "00:rlUK3C:8067007c0f05c359:16:105:10 10"

  1. Adding to a piece of data to a the middle of a file:

    • Array shape (Subarray Shape): (20, 2, 3)

    • File UID: “rlUK3C”

    • xxhash64_hexdigest: b89f873d3d153a9c

    • Dataset Number: “3”

    • Collection Index: 199

    Record Data => "00:rlUK3C:b89f873d3d153a9c:8:199:20 2 3"

Technical Notes

  • Files are read only after initial creation/writes. Only a write-enabled checkout can open a HDF5 file in "w" or "a" mode, and writer checkouts create new files on every checkout, and make no attempt to fill in unset locations in previous files. This is not an issue as no disk space is used until data is written to the initially created “zero-initialized” collection datasets

  • On write: Single Writer Multiple Reader (SWMR) mode is set to ensure that improper closing (not calling .close()) method does not corrupt any data which had been previously flushed to the file.

  • On read: SWMR is set to allow multiple readers (in different threads / processes) to read from the same file. File handle serialization is handled via custom python pickle serialization/reduction logic which is implemented by the high level pickle reduction __set_state__(), __get_state__() class methods.

  • An optimization is performed in order to increase the read / write performance of variable shaped datasets. Due to the way that we initialize an entire HDF5 file with all datasets pre-created (to the size of the max subarray shape), we need to ensure that storing smaller sized arrays (in a variable sized Hangar Column) would be effective. Because we use chunked storage, certain dimensions which are incomplete could have potentially required writes to chunks which do are primarily empty (worst case “C” index ordering), increasing read / write speeds significantly.

    To overcome this, we create HDF5 datasets which have COLLECTION_SIZE first dimension size, and only ONE second dimension of size schema_shape.size() (ie. product of all dimensions). For example an array schema with shape (10, 10, 3) would be stored in a HDF5 dataset of shape (COLLECTION_SIZE, 300). Chunk sizes are chosen to align on the first dimension with a second dimension of size which fits the total data into L2 CPU Cache (< 256 KB). On write, we use the np.ravel function to construct a “view” (not copy) of the array as a 1D array, and then on read we reshape the array to the recorded size (a copyless “view-only” operation). This is part of the reason that we only accept C ordered arrays as input to Hangar.