Python API

This is the python API for the Hangar project.


class Repository(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], exists: bool = True)

Launching point for all user operations in a Hangar repository.

All interaction, including the ability to initialize a repo, checkout a commit (for either reading or writing), create a branch, merge branches, or generally view the contents or state of the local repository starts here. Just provide this class instance with a path to an existing Hangar repository, or to a directory one should be initialized, and all required data for starting your work on the repo will automatically be populated.

>>> from hangar import Repository
>>> repo = Repository('foo/path/to/dir')
  • path (Union[str, os.PathLike]) – local directory path where the Hangar repository exists (or initialized)
  • exists (bool, optional) –

    True if a Hangar repository should exist at the given directory path. Should no Hangar repository exists at that location, a UserWarning will be raised indicating that the init() method needs to be called.

    False if the provided path does not need to (but optionally can) contain a Hangar repository. if a Hangar repository does not exist at that path, the usual UserWarning will be suppressed.

    In both cases, the path must exist and the user must have sufficient OS permissions to write to that location. Default = True

checkout(write: bool = False, *, branch: str = '', commit: str = '') → Union[hangar.checkout.ReaderCheckout, hangar.checkout.WriterCheckout]

Checkout the repo at some point in time in either read or write mode.

Only one writer instance can exist at a time. Write enabled checkout must must create a staging area from the HEAD commit of a branch. On the contrary, any number of reader checkouts can exist at the same time and can specify either a branch name or a commit hash.

  • write (bool, optional) – Specify if the checkout is write capable, defaults to False
  • branch (str, optional) – name of the branch to checkout. This utilizes the state of the repo as it existed at the branch HEAD commit when this checkout object was instantiated, defaults to ‘’
  • commit (str, optional) – specific hash of a commit to use for the checkout (instead of a branch HEAD commit). This argument takes precedent over a branch name parameter if it is set. Note: this only will be used in non-writeable checkouts, defaults to ‘’
  • ValueError – If the value of write argument is not boolean
  • ValueError – If commit argument is set to any value when write=True. Only branch argument is allowed.

Checkout object which can be used to interact with the repository data

Return type:

Union[ReaderCheckout, WriterCheckout]

clone(user_name: str, user_email: str, remote_address: str, *, remove_old: bool = False) → str

Download a remote repository to the local disk.

The clone method implemented here is very similar to a git clone operation. This method will pull all commit records, history, and data which are parents of the remote’s master branch head commit. If a Repository exists at the specified directory, the operation will fail.

  • user_name (str) – Name of the person who will make commits to the repository. This information is recorded permanently in the commit records.
  • user_email (str) – Email address of the repository user. This information is recorded permanently in any commits created.
  • remote_address (str) – location where the hangar.remote.server.HangarServer process is running and accessible by the clone user.
  • remove_old (bool, optional, kwarg only) – DANGER! DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY! If enabled, a hangar.repository.Repository existing on disk at the same path as the requested clone location will be completely removed and replaced with the newly cloned repo. (the default is False, which will not modify any contents on disk and which will refuse to create a repository at a given location if one already exists there.)

Name of the master branch for the newly cloned repository.

Return type:


create_branch(name: str, base_commit: str = None) → hangar.records.heads.BranchHead

create a branch with the provided name from a certain commit.

If no base commit hash is specified, the current writer branch HEAD commit is used as the base_commit hash for the branch. Note that creating a branch does not actually create a checkout object for interaction with the data. to interact you must use the repository checkout method to properly initialize a read (or write) enabled checkout object.

>>> from hangar import Repository
>>> repo = Repository('foo/path/to/dir')
>>> repo.create_branch('testbranch')
    BranchHead(name='testbranch', digest='b66b...a8cc')
>>> repo.list_branches()
    ['master', 'testbranch']
>>> co = repo.checkout(write=True, branch='testbranch')
>>> # add data ...
>>> newDigest = co.commit('added some stuff')
>>> repo.create_branch('new-changes', base_commit=newDigest)
    BranchHead(name='new-changes', digest='35kd...3254')
>>> repo.list_branches()
    ['master', 'new-changes', 'testbranch']
  • name (str) – name to assign to the new branch
  • base_commit (str, optional) – commit hash to start the branch root at. if not specified, the writer branch HEAD commit at the time of execution will be used, defaults to None

NamedTuple[str, str] with fields for name and digest of the branch created (if the operation was successful)

Return type:


  • ValueError – If the branch name provided contains characters outside of alpha-numeric ascii characters and “.”, “_”, “-” (no whitespace), or is > 64 characters.
  • ValueError – If the branch already exists.
  • RuntimeError – If the repository does not have at-least one commit on the “default” (ie. master) branch.
diff(master: str, dev: str) → hangar.diff.DiffAndConflicts

Calculate diff between master and dev branch/commits.

Diff is calculated as if we are to merge “dev” into “master”

  • master (str) – branch name or commit hash digest to use as the “master” which changes made in “dev” are compared to.
  • dev (str) – branch name or commit hash digest to use as the “dev” (ie. “feature”) branch which changes have been made to which are to be compared to the contents of “master”.

Standard output diff structure.

Return type:


force_release_writer_lock() → bool

Force release the lock left behind by an unclosed writer-checkout


NEVER USE THIS METHOD IF WRITER PROCESS IS CURRENTLY ACTIVE. At the time of writing, the implications of improper/malicious use of this are not understood, and there is a a risk of of undefined behavior or (potentially) data corruption.

At the moment, the responsibility to close a write-enabled checkout is placed entirely on the user. If the close() method is not called before the program terminates, a new checkout with write=True will fail. The lock can only be released via a call to this method.


This entire mechanism is subject to review/replacement in the future.

Returns:if the operation was successful.
Return type:bool
init(user_name: str, user_email: str, *, remove_old: bool = False) → str

Initialize a Hangar repository at the specified directory path.

This function must be called before a checkout can be performed.

  • user_name (str) – Name of the repository user account.
  • user_email (str) – Email address of the repository user account.
  • remove_old (bool, kwarg-only) – DEVELOPER USE ONLY – remove and reinitialize a Hangar repository at the given path, Default = False

the full directory path where the Hangar repository was initialized on disk.

Return type:



Check if the repository has been initialized or not

Returns:True if repository has been initialized.
Return type:bool
list_branches() → List[str]

list all branch names created in the repository.

Returns:the branch names recorded in the repository
Return type:List[str]
log(branch: str = None, commit: str = None, *, return_contents: bool = False, show_time: bool = False, show_user: bool = False) → Optional[dict]

Displays a pretty printed commit log graph to the terminal.


For programatic access, the return_contents value can be set to true which will retrieve relevant commit specifications as dictionary elements.

  • branch (str, optional) – The name of the branch to start the log process from. (Default value = None)
  • commit (str, optional) – The commit hash to start the log process from. (Default value = None)
  • return_contents (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true, return the commit graph specifications in a dictionary suitable for programatic access/evaluation.
  • show_time (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true and return_contents is False, show the time of each commit on the printed log graph
  • show_user (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true and return_contents is False, show the committer of each commit on the printed log graph

Dict containing the commit ancestor graph, and all specifications.

Return type:


merge(message: str, master_branch: str, dev_branch: str) → str

Perform a merge of the changes made on two branches.

  • message (str) – Commit message to use for this merge.
  • master_branch (str) – name of the master branch to merge into
  • dev_branch (str) – name of the dev/feature branch to merge

Hash of the commit which is written if possible.

Return type:



Return the path to the repository on disk, read-only attribute

Returns:path to the specified repository, not including .hangar directory
Return type:str

Accessor to the methods controlling remote interactions.

See also

Remotes for available methods of this property

Returns:Accessor object methods for controlling remote interactions.
Return type:Remotes
remove_branch(name: str, *, force_delete: bool = False) → hangar.records.heads.BranchHead

Permanently delete a branch pointer from the repository history.

Since a branch (by definition) is the name associated with the HEAD commit of a historical path, the default behavior of this method is to throw an exception (no-op) should the HEAD not be referenced as an ancestor (or at least as a twin) of a separate branch which is currently ALIVE. If referenced in another branch’s history, we are assured that all changes have been merged and recorded, and that this pointer can be safely deleted without risk of damage to historical provenance or (eventual) loss to garbage collection.

>>> from hangar import Repository
>>> repo = Repository('foo/path/to/dir')
>>> repo.create_branch('first-testbranch')
BranchHead(name='first-testbranch', digest='9785...56da')
>>> repo.create_branch('second-testbranch')
BranchHead(name='second-testbranch', digest='9785...56da')
>>> repo.list_branches()
['master', 'first-testbranch', 'second-testbranch']
>>> # Make a commit to advance a branch
>>> co = repo.checkout(write=True, branch='first-testbranch')
>>> # add data ...
>>> co.commit('added some stuff')
>>> co.close()
>>> repo.remove_branch('second-testbranch')
BranchHead(name='second-testbranch', digest='9785...56da')

A user may manually specify to delete an un-merged branch, in which case the force_delete keyword-only argument should be set to True.

>>> # check out master and try to remove 'first-testbranch'
>>> co = repo.checkout(write=True, branch='master')
>>> co.close()
>>> repo.remove_branch('first-testbranch')
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: ("The branch first-testbranch is not fully merged. "
"If you are sure you want to delete it, re-run with "
"force-remove parameter set.")
>>> # Now set the `force_delete` parameter
>>> repo.remove_branch('first-testbranch', force_delete=True)
BranchHead(name='first-testbranch', digest='9785...56da')

It is important to note that while this method will handle all safety checks, argument validation, and performs the operation to permanently delete a branch name/digest pointer, **no commit refs along the history will be deleted from the Hangar database*.* Most of the history contains commit refs which must be safe in other branch histories, and recent commits may have been used as the base for some new history. As such, even if some of the latest commits leading up to a deleted branch HEAD are orphaned (unreachable), the records (and all data added in those commits) will remain on the disk.

In the future, we intend to implement a garbage collector which will remove orphan commits which have not been modified for some set amount of time (probably on the order of a few months), but this is not implemented at the moment.

Should an accidental forced branch deletion occur, it is possible to recover and create a new branch head pointing to the same commit. If the commit digest of the removed branch HEAD is known, its as simple as specifying a name and the base_digest in the normal create_branch() method. If the digest is unknown, it will be a bit more work, but some of the developer facing introspection tools / routines could be used to either manually or (with minimal effort) programmatically find the orphan commit candidates. If you find yourself having accidentally deleted a branch, and must get it back, please reach out on the Github Issues page. We’ll gladly explain more in depth and walk you through the process in any way we can help!

  • name (str) – name of the branch which should be deleted. This branch must exist, and cannot refer to a remote tracked branch (ie. origin/devbranch), please see exception descriptions for other parameters determining validity of argument
  • force_delete (bool, optional) – If True, remove the branch pointer even if the changes are un-merged in other branch histories. May result in orphaned commits which may be time-consuming to recover if needed, by default False

NamedTuple[str, str] with fields for name and digest of the branch pointer deleted.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If a branch with the provided name does not exist locally
  • PermissionError – If removal of the branch would result in a repository with zero local branches.
  • PermissionError – If a write enabled checkout is holding the writer-lock at time of this call.
  • PermissionError – If the branch to be removed was the last used in a write-enabled checkout, and whose contents form the base of the staging area.
  • RuntimeError – If the branch has not been fully merged into other branch histories, and force_delete option is not True.

Disk space used by the repository returned in human readable string.

>>> repo.size_human
'1.23 GB'
>>> print(type(repo.size_human))
<class 'str'>
Returns:disk space used by the repository formated in human readable text.
Return type:str

Disk space used by the repository returned in number of bytes.

>>> repo.size_nbytes
>>> print(type(repo.size_nbytes))
<class 'int'>
Returns:number of bytes used by the repository on disk.
Return type:int
summary(*, branch: str = '', commit: str = '') → None

Print a summary of the repository contents to the terminal

  • branch (str, optional) – A specific branch name whose head commit will be used as the summary point (Default value = ‘’)
  • commit (str, optional) – A specific commit hash which should be used as the summary point. (Default value = ‘’)
verify_repo_integrity() → bool

Verify the integrity of the repository data on disk.

Runs a full cryptographic verification of repository contents in order to ensure the integrity of all data and history recorded on disk.


This proof may take a significant amount of time to run for repositories which:

  1. store significant quantities of data on disk.
  2. have a very large number of commits in their history.

As a brief explanation for why these are the driving factors behind processing time:

  1. Every single piece of data in the repositories history must be read from disk, cryptographically hashed, and compared to the expected value. There is no exception to this rule; regardless of when a piece of data was added / removed from an column, or for how many (or how few) commits some sample exists in. The integrity of the commit tree at any point after some piece of data is added to the repo can only be validated if it - and all earlier data pieces - are proven to be intact and unchanged.

    Note: This does not mean that the verification is repeatedly performed for every commit some piece of data is stored in. Each data piece is read from disk and verified only once, regardless of how many commits some piece of data is referenced in.

  2. Each commit reference (defining names / contents of a commit) must be decompressed and parsed into a usable data structure. We scan across all data digests referenced in the commit and ensure that the corresponding data piece is known to hangar (and validated as unchanged). The commit refs (along with the corresponding user records, message, and parent map), are then re-serialized and cryptographically hashed for comparison to the expected value. While this process is fairly efficient for a single commit, it must be repeated for each commit in the repository history, and may take a non-trivial amount of time for repositories with thousands of commits.

While the two points above are the most time consuming operations, there are many more checks which are performed alongside them as part of the full verification run.

Returns:True if integrity verification is successful, otherwise False; in this case, a message describing the offending component will be printed to stdout.
Return type:bool

Find the version of Hangar software the repository is written with

Returns:semantic version of major, minor, micro version of repo software version.
Return type:str

Check if the writer lock is currently marked as held. Read-only attribute.

Returns:True is writer-lock is held, False if writer-lock is free.
Return type:bool
class Remotes

Class which governs access to remote interactor objects.


The remote-server implementation is under heavy development, and is likely to undergo changes in the Future. While we intend to ensure compatability between software versions of Hangar repositories written to disk, the API is likely to change. Please follow our process at:

add(name: str, address: str) → hangar.remotes.RemoteInfo

Add a remote to the repository accessible by name at address.

  • name (str) – the name which should be used to refer to the remote server (ie: ‘origin’)
  • address (str) – the IP:PORT where the hangar server is running

Two-tuple containing (name, address) of the remote added to the client’s server list.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If provided name contains any non ascii letter characters characters, or if the string is longer than 64 characters long.
  • ValueError – If a remote with the provided name is already listed on this client, No-Op. In order to update a remote server address, it must be removed and then re-added with the desired address.
fetch(remote: str, branch: str) → str

Retrieve new commits made on a remote repository branch.

This is semantically identical to a git fetch command. Any new commits along the branch will be retrieved, but placed on an isolated branch to the local copy (ie. remote_name/branch_name). In order to unify histories, simply merge the remote branch into the local branch.

  • remote (str) – name of the remote repository to fetch from (ie. origin)
  • branch (str) – name of the branch to fetch the commit references for.

Name of the branch which stores the retrieved commits.

Return type:


fetch_data(remote: str, branch: str = None, commit: str = None, *, column_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, max_num_bytes: int = None, retrieve_all_history: bool = False) → List[str]

Retrieve the data for some commit which exists in a partial state.

  • remote (str) – name of the remote to pull the data from
  • branch (str, optional) – The name of a branch whose HEAD will be used as the data fetch point. If None, commit argument expected, by default None
  • commit (str, optional) – Commit hash to retrieve data for, If None, branch argument expected, by default None
  • column_names (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Names of the columns which should be retrieved for the particular commits, any columns not named will not have their data fetched from the server. Default behavior is to retrieve all columns
  • max_num_bytes (Optional[int]) – If you wish to limit the amount of data sent to the local machine, set a max_num_bytes parameter. This will retrieve only this amount of data from the server to be placed on the local disk. Default is to retrieve all data regardless of how large.
  • retrieve_all_history (Optional[bool]) – if data should be retrieved for all history accessible by the parents of this commit HEAD. by default False

commit hashes of the data which was returned.

Return type:


  • ValueError – if branch and commit args are set simultaneously.
  • ValueError – if specified commit does not exist in the repository.
  • ValueError – if branch name does not exist in the repository.
list_all() → List[hangar.remotes.RemoteInfo]

List all remote names and addresses recorded in the client’s repository.

Returns:list of namedtuple specifying (name, address) for each remote server recorded in the client repo.
Return type:List[RemoteInfo]
ping(name: str) → float

Ping remote server and check the round trip time.


name (str) – name of the remote server to ping


round trip time it took to ping the server after the connection was established and requested client configuration was retrieved

Return type:


  • KeyError – If no remote with the provided name is recorded.
  • ConnectionError – If the remote server could not be reached.
push(remote: str, branch: str, *, username: str = '', password: str = '') → str

push changes made on a local repository to a remote repository.

This method is semantically identical to a git push operation. Any local updates will be sent to the remote repository.


The current implementation is not capable of performing a force push operation. As such, remote branches with diverged histories to the local repo must be retrieved, locally merged, then re-pushed. This feature will be added in the near future.

  • remote (str) – name of the remote repository to make the push on.
  • branch (str) – Name of the branch to push to the remote. If the branch name does not exist on the remote, the it will be created
  • username (str, optional, kwarg-only) – credentials to use for authentication if repository push restrictions are enabled, by default ‘’.
  • password (str, optional, kwarg-only) – credentials to use for authentication if repository push restrictions are enabled, by default ‘’.

Name of the branch which was pushed

Return type:


remove(name: str) → hangar.remotes.RemoteInfo

Remove a remote repository from the branch records

Parameters:name (str) – name of the remote to remove the reference to
Raises:KeyError – If a remote with the provided name does not exist
Returns:The channel address which was removed at the given remote name
Return type:str

Write Enabled Checkout


class WriterCheckout

Checkout the repository at the head of a given branch for writing.

This is the entry point for all writing operations to the repository, the writer class records all interactions in a special "staging" area, which is based off the state of the repository as it existed at the HEAD commit of a branch.

>>> co = repo.checkout(write=True)
>>> co.branch_name
>>> co.commit_hash
>>> co.close()

At the moment, only one instance of this class can write data to the staging area at a time. After the desired operations have been completed, it is crucial to call close() to release the writer lock. In addition, after any changes have been made to the staging area, the branch HEAD cannot be changed. In order to checkout another branch HEAD for writing, you must either commit() the changes, or perform a hard-reset of the staging area to the last commit via reset_staging_area().

In order to reduce the chance that the python interpreter is shut down without calling close(), which releases the writer lock - a common mistake during ipython / jupyter sessions - an atexit hook is registered to close(). If properly closed by the user, the hook is unregistered after completion with no ill effects. So long as a the process is NOT terminated via non-python SIGKILL, fatal internal python error, or or special os exit methods, cleanup will occur on interpreter shutdown and the writer lock will be released. If a non-handled termination method does occur, the force_release_writer_lock() method must be called manually when a new python process wishes to open the writer checkout.


Determine if some column name (key) exists in the checkout.


Dictionary style access to columns and samples

Checkout object can be thought of as a “dataset” (“dset”) mapping a view of samples across columns.

>>> dset = repo.checkout(branch='master')
# Get an column contained in the checkout.
>>> dset['foo']
# Get a specific sample from ``'foo'`` (returns a single array)
>>> dset['foo', '1']
# Get multiple samples from ``'foo'`` (returns a list of arrays, in order
# of input keys)
>>> dset[['foo', '1'], ['foo', '2'],  ['foo', '324']]
[np.array([1]), np.ndarray([2]), np.ndarray([324])]
# Get sample from multiple columns, column/data returned is ordered
# in same manner as input of func.
>>> dset[['foo', '1'], ['bar', '1'],  ['baz', '1']]
[np.array([1]), np.ndarray([1, 1]), np.ndarray([1, 1, 1])]
# Get multiple samples from multiple columns            >>> keys = [(col, str(samp)) for samp in range(2) for col in ['foo', 'bar']]
>>> keys
[('foo', '0'), ('bar', '0'), ('foo', '1'), ('bar', '1')]
>>> dset[keys]
[np.array([1]), np.array([1, 1]), np.array([2]), np.array([2, 2])]

Arbitrary column layouts are supported by simply adding additional members to the keys for each piece of data. For example, getting data from a column with a nested layout:

>>> dset['nested_col', 'sample_1', 'subsample_0']
np.array([1, 0])
# a sample accessor object can be retrieved at will...
>>> dset['nested_col', 'sample_1']
<class 'FlatSubsampleReader'>(column_name='nested_col', sample_name='sample_1')
# to get all subsamples in a nested sample use the Ellipsis operator
>>> dset['nested_col', 'sample_1', ...]
{'subsample_0': np.array([1, 0]),
 'subsample_1': np.array([1, 1]),
 'subsample_n': np.array([1, 255])}

Retrieval of data from different column types can be mixed and combined as desired. For example, retrieving data from both flat and nested columns simultaneously:

>>> dset[('nested_col', 'sample_1', '0'), ('foo', '0')]
[np.array([1, 0]), np.array([0])]
>>> dset[('nested_col', 'sample_1', ...), ('foo', '0')]
[{'subsample_0': np.array([1, 0]), 'subsample_1': np.array([1, 1])},
>>> dset[('foo', '0'), ('nested_col', 'sample_1')]
 <class 'FlatSubsampleReader'>(column_name='nested_col', sample_name='sample_1')]

If a column or data key does not exist, then this method will raise a KeyError. As an alternative, missing keys can be gracefully handeled by calling get() instead. This method does not (by default) raise an error if a key is missing. Instead, a (configurable) default value is simply inserted in it’s place.

>>> dset['foo', 'DOES_NOT_EXIST']
KeyError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-40-731e6ea62fb8> in <module>
----> 1 res = co['foo', 'DOES_NOT_EXIST']

column name, sample key(s) or sequence of list/tuple of column name, sample keys(s) which should be retrieved in the operation.

Please see detailed explanation above for full explanation of accepted argument format / result types.

  • Columns – single column parameter, no samples specified
  • Any – Single column specified, single sample key specified
  • List[Any] – arbitrary columns, multiple samples array data for each sample is returned in same order sample keys are received.

Iterate over column keys


Returns number of columns in the checkout.

add_ndarray_column(name: str, shape: Union[int, tuple, None] = None, dtype: Optional[numpy.dtype] = None, prototype: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, variable_shape: bool = False, contains_subsamples: bool = False, *, backend: Optional[str] = None, backend_options: Optional[dict] = None)

Initializes a numpy.ndarray container column.

Columns are created in order to store some arbitrary collection of data pieces. In this case, we store numpy.ndarray data. Items need not be related to each-other in any direct capacity; the only criteria hangar requires is that all pieces of data stored in the column have a compatible schema with each-other (more on this below). Each piece of data is indexed by some key (either user defined or automatically generated depending on the user’s preferences). Both single level stores (sample keys mapping to data on disk) and nested stores (where some sample key maps to an arbitrary number of subsamples, in turn each pointing to some piece of store data on disk) are supported.

All data pieces within a column have the same data type and number of dimensions. The size of each dimension can be either fixed (the default behavior) or variable per sample. For fixed dimension sizes, all data pieces written to the column must have the same shape & size which was specified at the time the column column was initialized. Alternatively, variable sized columns can write data pieces with dimensions of any size (up to a specified maximum).

  • name (str) – The name assigned to this column.
  • shape (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]) – The shape of the data samples which will be written in this column. This argument and the dtype argument are required if a prototype is not provided, defaults to None.
  • dtype (Optional[numpy.dtype]) – The datatype of this column. This argument and the shape argument are required if a prototype is not provided., defaults to None.
  • prototype (Optional[numpy.ndarray]) – A sample array of correct datatype and shape which will be used to initialize the column storage mechanisms. If this is provided, the shape and dtype arguments must not be set, defaults to None.
  • variable_shape (bool, optional) – If this is a variable sized column. If true, a the maximum shape is set from the provided shape or prototype argument. Any sample added to the column can then have dimension sizes <= to this initial specification (so long as they have the same rank as what was specified) defaults to False.
  • contains_subsamples (bool, optional) – True if the column column should store data in a nested structure. In this scheme, a sample key is used to index an arbitrary number of subsamples which map some (sub)key to some piece of data. If False, sample keys map directly to a single piece of data; essentially acting as a single level key/value store. By default, False.
  • backend (Optional[str], optional) – ADVANCED USERS ONLY, backend format code to use for column data. If None, automatically inferred and set based on data shape and type. by default None
  • backend_options (Optional[dict], optional) – ADVANCED USERS ONLY, filter opts to apply to column data. If None, automatically inferred and set based on data shape and type. by default None

instance object of the initialized column.

Return type:


add_str_column(name: str, contains_subsamples: bool = False, *, backend: Optional[str] = None, backend_options: Optional[dict] = None)

Initializes a str container column

Columns are created in order to store some arbitrary collection of data pieces. In this case, we store str data. Items need not be related to each-other in any direct capacity; the only criteria hangar requires is that all pieces of data stored in the column have a compatible schema with each-other (more on this below). Each piece of data is indexed by some key (either user defined or automatically generated depending on the user’s preferences). Both single level stores (sample keys mapping to data on disk) and nested stores (where some sample key maps to an arbitrary number of subsamples, in turn each pointing to some piece of store data on disk) are supported.

All data pieces within a column have the same data type. For str columns, there is no distinction between 'variable_shape' and 'fixed_shape' schema types. Values are allowed to take on a value of any size so long as the datatype and contents are valid for the schema definition.

  • name (str) – Name assigned to the column
  • contains_subsamples (bool, optional) – True if the column column should store data in a nested structure. In this scheme, a sample key is used to index an arbitrary number of subsamples which map some (sub)key to a piece of data. If False, sample keys map directly to a single piece of data; essentially acting as a single level key/value store. By default, False.
  • backend (Optional[str], optional) – ADVANCED USERS ONLY, backend format code to use for column data. If None, automatically inferred and set based on data shape and type. by default None
  • backend_options (Optional[dict], optional) – ADVANCED USERS ONLY, filter opts to apply to column data. If None, automatically inferred and set based on data shape and type. by default None

instance object of the initialized column.

Return type:



Branch this write enabled checkout’s staging area was based on.

Returns:name of the branch whose commit HEAD changes are staged from.
Return type:str
close() → None

Close all handles to the writer checkout and release the writer lock.

Failure to call this method after the writer checkout has been used will result in a lock being placed on the repository which will not allow any writes until it has been manually cleared.


Provides access to column interaction object.

Can be used to either return the columns accessor for all elements or a single column instance by using dictionary style indexing.

>>> co = repo.checkout(write=True)
>>> cols = co.columns
>>> len(cols)
>>> fooCol = co.add_ndarray_column('foo', shape=(10, 10), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> len(co.columns)
>>> len(co)
>>> list(co.columns.keys())
>>> list(co.keys())
>>> fooCol = co.columns['foo']
>>> fooCol.dtype
>>> fooCol = cols.get('foo')
>>> fooCol.dtype
>>> 'foo' in co.columns
>>> 'bar' in co.columns

See also

The class Columns contains all methods accessible by this property accessor

Returns:the columns object which behaves exactly like a columns accessor class but which can be invalidated when the writer lock is released.
Return type:Columns
commit(commit_message: str) → str

Commit the changes made in the staging area on the checkout branch.

Parameters:commit_message (str, optional) – user proved message for a log of what was changed in this commit. Should a fast forward commit be possible, this will NOT be added to fast-forward HEAD.
Returns:The commit hash of the new commit.
Return type:str
Raises:RuntimeError – If no changes have been made in the staging area, no commit occurs.

Commit hash which the staging area of branch_name is based on.

Returns:commit hash
Return type:str

Access the differ methods which are aware of any staged changes.

See also

The class hangar.diff.WriterUserDiff contains all methods accessible by this property accessor

Returns:weakref proxy to the differ object (and contained methods) which behaves exactly like the differ class but which can be invalidated when the writer lock is released.
Return type:WriterUserDiff
get(keys, default=None, except_missing=False)

View of sample data across columns gracefully handling missing sample keys.

Please see __getitem__() for full description. This method is identical with a single exception: if a sample key is not present in an column, this method will plane a null None value in it’s return slot rather than throwing a KeyError like the dict style access does.

  • keys

    sequence of column name (and optionally) sample key(s) or sequence of list/tuple of column name, sample keys(s) which should be retrieved in the operation.

    Please see detailed explanation in __getitem__() for full explanation of accepted argument format / result types.

  • default (Any, optional) – default value to insert in results for the case where some column name / sample key is not found, and the except_missing parameter is set to False.
  • except_missing (bool, optional) – If False, will not throw exceptions on missing sample key value. Will raise KeyError if True and missing key found.

  • Columns – single column parameter, no samples specified
  • Any – Single column specified, single sample key specified
  • List[Any] – arbitrary columns, multiple samples array data for each sample is returned in same order sample keys are received.


Generator yielding tuple of (name, accessor object) of every column


Generator yielding the name (key) of every column

log(branch: str = None, commit: str = None, *, return_contents: bool = False, show_time: bool = False, show_user: bool = False) → Optional[dict]

Displays a pretty printed commit log graph to the terminal.


For programatic access, the return_contents value can be set to true which will retrieve relevant commit specifications as dictionary elements.

if Neither branch nor commit arguments are supplied, the branch which is currently checked out for writing will be used as default.

  • branch (str, optional) – The name of the branch to start the log process from. (Default value = None)
  • commit (str, optional) – The commit hash to start the log process from. (Default value = None)
  • return_contents (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true, return the commit graph specifications in a dictionary suitable for programatic access/evaluation.
  • show_time (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true and return_contents is False, show the time of each commit on the printed log graph
  • show_user (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true and return_contents is False, show the committer of each commit on the printed log graph

Dict containing the commit ancestor graph, and all specifications.

Return type:


merge(message: str, dev_branch: str) → str

Merge the currently checked out commit with the provided branch name.

If a fast-forward merge is possible, it will be performed, and the commit message argument to this function will be ignored.

  • message (str) – commit message to attach to a three-way merge
  • dev_branch (str) – name of the branch which should be merge into this branch (ie master)

commit hash of the new commit for the master branch this checkout was started from.

Return type:


reset_staging_area() → str

Perform a hard reset of the staging area to the last commit head.

After this operation completes, the writer checkout will automatically close in the typical fashion (any held references to :attr:column or :attr:metadata objects will finalize and destruct as normal), In order to perform any further operation, a new checkout needs to be opened.


This operation is IRREVERSIBLE. all records and data which are note stored in a previous commit will be permanently deleted.

Returns:Commit hash of the head which the staging area is reset to.
Return type:str
Raises:RuntimeError – If no changes have been made to the staging area, No-Op.

Generator yielding accessor object of every column


class Columns

Common access patterns and initialization/removal of columns in a checkout.

This object is the entry point to all data stored in their individual columns. Each column. contains a common schema which dictates the general shape, dtype, and access patters which the backends optimize access for. The methods contained within allow us to create, remove, query, and access these collections of common data pieces.

__contains__(key: str) → bool

Determine if a column with a particular name is stored in the checkout

Parameters:key (str) – name of the column to check for
Returns:True if a column with the provided name exists in the checkout, otherwise False.
Return type:bool
__delitem__(key: str) → str

remove a column and all data records if write-enabled process.

Parameters:key (str) – Name of the column to remove from the repository. This will remove all records from the staging area (though the actual data and all records are still accessible) if they were previously committed
Returns:If successful, the name of the removed column.
Return type:str
Raises:PermissionError – If any enclosed column is opened in a connection manager.
__getitem__(key: str) → Union[NestedSampleReader, FlatSubsampleReader]

Dict style access to return the column object with specified key/name.

Parameters:key (string) – name of the column object to get.
Returns:The object which is returned depends on the mode of checkout specified. If the column was checked out with write-enabled, return writer object, otherwise return read only object.
Return type:ModifierTypes
__len__() → int

Get the number of column columns contained in the checkout.


Dict of bool indicating data reference locality in each column.

Returns:For each column name key, boolean value where False indicates all samples in column exist locally, True if some reference remote sources.
Return type:Mapping[str, bool]
delete(column: str) → str

remove the column and all data contained within it.


column (str) – name of the column to remove


name of the removed column

Return type:


  • PermissionError – If any enclosed column is opened in a connection manager.
  • KeyError – If a column does not exist with the provided name
get(name: str) → Union[NestedSampleReader, FlatSubsampleReader]

Returns a column access object.

This can be used in lieu of the dictionary style access.

Parameters:name (str) – name of the column to return
Returns:ColumnData accessor (set to read or write mode as appropriate) which governs interaction with the data
Return type:ModifierTypes

Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled. Read-only attribute.

items() → Iterable[Tuple[str, Union[NestedSampleReader, FlatSubsampleReader]]]

generator providing access to column_name, Columns

Yields:Iterable[Tuple[str, ModifierTypes]] – returns two tuple of all all column names/object pairs in the checkout.
keys() → List[str]

list all column keys (names) in the checkout

Returns:list of column names
Return type:List[str]

Determine columns samples names which reference remote sources.

Returns:dict where keys are column names and values are iterables of samples in the column containing remote references
Return type:Mapping[str, Iterable[Union[int, str]]]
values() → Iterable[Union[NestedSampleReader, FlatSubsampleReader]]

yield all column object instances in the checkout.

Yields:Iterable[ModifierTypes] – Generator of ColumnData accessor objects (set to read or write mode as appropriate)

Flat Column Layout Container

class FlatSampleWriter
__contains__(key: Union[str, int]) → bool

Determine if a key is a valid sample name in the column.

__delitem__(key: Union[str, int]) → None

Remove a sample from the column. Convenience method to delete().

See also

pop() to return a value and then delete it in the same operation

Parameters:key (KeyType) – Name of the sample to remove from the column.
__getitem__(key: Union[str, int])

Retrieve data for some sample key via dict style access conventions.

See also


Parameters:key (KeyType) – Sample key to retrieve from the column.
Returns:Data corresponding to the provided sample key.
Return type:value
Raises:KeyError – if no sample with the requested key exists.
__iter__() → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Create iterator yielding an column sample keys.

Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Sample key contained in the column.
__len__() → int

Check how many samples are present in a given column.

__setitem__(key, value)

Store a piece of data in a column.

See also

update() for an implementation analogous to python’s built in dict.update() method which accepts a dict or iterable of key/value pairs to add in the same operation.

  • key – name to assign to the sample (assuming the column accepts named samples), If str, can only contain alpha-numeric ascii characters (in addition to ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘_’). Integer key must be >= 0. by default, None
  • value – data to store as a sample in the column.
append(value) → Union[str, int]

Store some data in a sample with an automatically generated key.

This method should only be used if the context some piece of data is used in is independent from it’s value (ie. when reading data back, there is no useful information which needs to be conveyed between the data source’s name/id and the value of that piece of information.) Think carefully before going this route, as this posit does not apply to many common use cases.

To store the data with a user defined key, use update() or __setitem__()

Parameters:value – Piece of data to store in the column.
Returns:Name of the generated key this data is stored with.
Return type:KeyType

Code indicating which backing store is used when writing data.


Filter / Compression options applied to backend when writing data.

change_backend(backend: str, backend_options: Optional[dict] = None)

Change the default backend and filters applied to future data writes.


This method is meant for advanced users only. Please refer to the hangar backend codebase for information on accepted parameters and options.

  • backend (str) – Backend format code to swtich to.
  • backend_options (Optional[dict]) – Backend option specification to use (if specified). If left to default value of None, then default options for backend are automatically used.
  • RuntimeError – If this method was called while this column is invoked in a context manager
  • ValueError – If the backend format code is not valid.

Name of the column.


Column layout type (‘nested’, ‘flat’, etc).


Data container type of the column (‘ndarray’, ‘str’, etc).


Bool indicating if all samples in column exist on local disk.

The data associated with samples referencing some remote server will need to be downloaded (fetched in the hangar vocabulary) before they can be read into memory.

Returns:False if at least one sample in the column references data stored on some remote server. True if all sample data is available on the machine’s local disk.
Return type:bool

Bool indicating if sub-samples are contained in this column container.


Dtype of the columns data (np.float, str, etc).

get(key: Union[str, int], default=None)

Retrieve the data associated with some sample key

  • key (KeyType) – The name of the subsample(s) to retrieve. Passing a single subsample key will return the stored data value.
  • default (Any) – if a key parameter is not found, then return this value instead. By default, None.

data data stored under subsample key if key exists, else default value if not found.

Return type:



Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled.

items(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Any]]

Generator yielding (name, data) tuple for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys/values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Tuple[KeyType, Any]] – Name and stored value for every subsample inside the sample.
keys(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Generator yielding the name (key) of every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Keys of one subsample at a time inside the sample.
pop(key: Union[str, int])

Retrieve some value for some key(s) and delete it in the same operation.

Parameters:key (KeysType) – Sample key to remove
Returns:Upon success, the value of the removed key.
Return type:value
Raises:KeyError – If there is no sample with some key in the column.

Compute sample names whose data is stored in a remote server reference.

Returns:list of sample keys in the column whose data references indicate they are stored on a remote server.
Return type:Tuple[KeyType]

Schema type of the contained data (‘variable_shape’, ‘fixed_shape’, etc).


(Max) shape of data that can (is) written in the column.

update(other=None, **kwargs)

Store some data with the key/value pairs from other, overwriting existing keys.

update() implements functionality similar to python’s builtin dict.update() method, accepting either a dictionary or other iterable (of length two) listing key / value pairs.

  • other – Accepts either another dictionary object or an iterable of key/value pairs (as tuples or other iterables of length two). mapping sample names to data value instances instances, If sample name is string type, can only contain alpha-numeric ascii characters (in addition to ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘_’). Int key must be >= 0. By default, None.
  • **kwargs – keyword arguments provided will be saved with keywords as sample keys (string type only) and values as np.array instances.
values(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Generator yielding the data for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk. No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Any] – Values of one subsample at a time inside the sample.

Nested Column Layout Container

class NestedSampleWriter
__contains__(key: Union[str, int]) → bool

Determine if some sample key exists in the column.

__delitem__(key: Union[str, int])

Remove a sample (including all contained subsamples) from the column.

See also

pop() for alternative implementing a simultaneous get value and delete operation.

__getitem__(key: Union[str, int]) → hangar.columns.layout_nested.FlatSubsampleReader

Get the sample access class for some sample key.

Parameters:key (KeyType) – Name of sample to retrieve
Returns:Sample accessor corresponding to the given key
Return type:FlatSubsampleReader
Raises:KeyError – If no sample with the provided key exists.
__iter__() → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Create iterator yielding an column sample keys.

Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Sample key contained in the column.
__len__() → int

Find number of samples in the column

__setitem__(key, value) → None

Store some subsample key / subsample data map, overwriting existing keys.

See also

update() for alternative syntax for setting values.


Code indicating which backing store is used when writing data.


Filter / Compression options applied to backend when writing data.

change_backend(backend: str, backend_options: Optional[dict] = None)

Change the default backend and filters applied to future data writes.


This method is meant for advanced users only. Please refer to the hangar backend codebase for information on accepted parameters and options.

  • backend (str) – Backend format code to swtich to.
  • backend_options – Backend option specification to use (if specified). If left to default value of None, then default options for backend are automatically used.
  • RuntimeError – If this method was called while this column is invoked in a context manager
  • ValueError – If the backend format code is not valid.

Name of the column.


Column layout type (‘nested’, ‘flat’, etc).


Data container type of the column (‘ndarray’, ‘str’, etc).


Bool indicating all subsamples in sample column exist on local disk.

The data associated with subsamples referencing some remote server will need to be downloaded (fetched in the hangar vocabulary) before they can be read into memory.

Returns:False if at least one subsample in the column references data stored on some remote server. True if all sample data is available on the machine’s local disk.
Return type:bool

Bool indicating if sub-samples are contained in this column container.


Dtype of the columns data (np.float, str, etc).

get(key: Union[str, int, ellipsis, slice], default: Any = None) → hangar.columns.layout_nested.FlatSubsampleReader

Retrieve data for some sample key(s) in the column.

  • key (GetKeysType) – The name of the subsample(s) to retrieve
  • default (Any) – if a key parameter is not found, then return this value instead. By default, None.

Sample accessor class given by name key which can be used to access subsample data.

Return type:



Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled.

items(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Any]]

Generator yielding (name, data) tuple for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys/values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Tuple[KeyType, Any]] – Name and stored value for every subsample inside the sample.
keys(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Generator yielding the name (key) of every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Keys of one subsample at a time inside the sample.

Calculate total number of subsamples existing in all samples in column

pop(key: Union[str, int]) → Dict[Union[str, int], Any]

Retrieve some value for some key(s) and delete it in the same operation.

Parameters:key (KeysType) – sample key to remove
Returns:Upon success, a nested dictionary mapping sample names to a dict of subsample names and subsample values for every sample key passed into this method.
Return type:Dict[KeyType, KeyArrMap]

Compute subsample names whose data is stored in a remote server reference.

Returns:list of subsample keys in the column whose data references indicate they are stored on a remote server.
Return type:Tuple[KeyType]

Schema type of the contained data (‘variable_shape’, ‘fixed_shape’, etc).


(Max) shape of data that can (is) written in the column.

update(other=None, **kwargs) → None

Store some data with the key/value pairs, overwriting existing keys.

update() implements functionality similar to python’s builtin dict.update() method, accepting either a dictionary or other iterable (of length two) listing key / value pairs.

  • other – Dictionary mapping sample names to subsample data maps. Or Sequence (list or tuple) where element one is the sample name and element two is a subsample data map.
  • **kwargs – keyword arguments provided will be saved with keywords as sample keys (string type only) and values as a mapping of subarray keys to data values.
values(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Generator yielding the tensor data for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk. No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Any] – Values of one subsample at a time inside the sample.
class FlatSubsampleWriter
__delitem__(key: Union[str, int])

Remove a subsample from the column.`.

See also

pop() to simultaneously get a keys value and delete it.

Parameters:key (KeyType) – Name of the sample to remove from the column.
__getitem__(key: Union[str, int, ellipsis, slice]) → Union[Any, Dict[Union[str, int], Any]]

Retrieve data for some subsample key via dict style access conventions.

See also


Parameters:key (GetKeysType) – Sample key to retrieve from the column. Alternatively, slice syntax can be used to retrieve a selection of subsample keys/values. An empty slice (: == slice(None)) or Ellipsis (...) will return all subsample keys/values. Passing a non-empty slice ([1:5] == slice(1, 5)) will select keys to retrieve by enumerating all subsamples and retrieving the element (key) for each step across the range. Note: order of enumeration is not guaranteed; do not rely on any ordering observed when using this method.
Returns:Sample data corresponding to the provided key. or dictionary of subsample keys/data if Ellipsis or slice passed in as key.
Return type:Union[Any, Dict[KeyType, Any]]
Raises:KeyError – if no sample with the requested key exists.
__setitem__(key, value)

Store data as a subsample. Convenience method to add().

See also

update() for an implementation analogous to python’s built in dict.update() method which accepts a dict or iterable of key/value pairs to add in the same operation.

  • key – Key (name) of the subsample to add to the column.
  • value – Data to add as the sample.
append(value) → Union[str, int]

Store some data in a subsample with an automatically generated key.

This method should only be used if the context some piece of data is used in is independent from it’s value (ie. when reading data back, there is no useful information which needs to be conveyed between the data source’s name/id and the value of that piece of information.) Think carefully before going this route, as this posit does not apply to many common use cases.

See also

In order to store the data with a user defined key, use update() or __setitem__()

Parameters:value – Piece of data to store in the column.
Returns:Name of the generated key this data is stored with.
Return type:KeyType

Name of the column.


Bool indicating all subsamples in sample column exist on local disk.

The data associated with subsamples referencing some remote server will need to be downloaded (fetched in the hangar vocabulary) before they can be read into memory.

Returns:False if at least one subsample in the column references data stored on some remote server. True if all sample data is available on the machine’s local disk.
Return type:bool

Return dict mapping every subsample key / data value stored in the sample.

Returns:Dictionary mapping subsample name(s) (keys) to their stored values as numpy.ndarray instances.
Return type:Dict[KeyType, Any]
get(key: Union[str, int], default=None)

Retrieve the data associated with some subsample key

  • key (GetKeysType) – The name of the subsample(s) to retrieve. Passing a single subsample key will return the stored numpy.ndarray
  • default – if a key parameter is not found, then return this value instead. By default, None.

data stored under subsample key if key exists, else default value if not found.

Return type:



Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled.

items(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Any]]

Generator yielding (name, data) tuple for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys/values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Tuple[KeyType, Any]] – Name and stored value for every subsample inside the sample.
keys(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Generator yielding the name (key) of every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Keys of one subsample at a time inside the sample.
pop(key: Union[str, int])

Retrieve some value for some key(s) and delete it in the same operation.

Parameters:key (KeysType) – Sample key to remove
Returns:Upon success, the value of the removed key.
Return type:value

Compute subsample names whose data is stored in a remote server reference.

Returns:list of subsample keys in the column whose data references indicate they are stored on a remote server.
Return type:Tuple[KeyType]

Name of the sample this column subsamples are stured under.

update(other=None, **kwargs)

Store data with the key/value pairs, overwriting existing keys.

update() implements functionality similar to python’s builtin dict.update() method, accepting either a dictionary or other iterable (of length two) listing key / value pairs.

  • other – Accepts either another dictionary object or an iterable of key/value pairs (as tuples or other iterables of length two). mapping sample names to data values, If sample name is string type, can only contain alpha-numeric ascii characters (in addition to ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘_’). Int key must be >= 0. By default, None.
  • **kwargs – keyword arguments provided will be saved with keywords as subsample keys (string type only) and values as np.array instances.
values(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Generator yielding the data for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk. No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Any] – Values of one subsample at a time inside the sample.


class WriterUserDiff

Methods diffing contents of a WriterCheckout instance.

These provide diffing implementations to compare the current HEAD of a checkout to a branch, commit, or the staging area "base" contents. The results are generally returned as a nested set of named tuples. In addition, the status() method is implemented which can be used to quickly determine if there are any uncommitted changes written in the checkout.

When diffing of commits or branches is performed, if there is not a linear history of commits between current HEAD and the diff commit (ie. a history which would permit a "fast-forward" merge), the result field named conflict will contain information on any merge conflicts that would exist if staging area HEAD and the (compared) "dev" HEAD were merged “right now”. Though this field is present for all diff comparisons, it can only contain non-empty values in the cases where a three way merge would need to be performed.

Fast Forward is Possible

    (master)          (foo)
a ----- b ----- c ----- d

3-Way Merge Required

a ----- b ----- c ----- d
         \               (foo)
          \----- ee ----- ff
branch(dev_branch: str) → hangar.diff.DiffAndConflicts

Compute diff between HEAD and branch, returning user-facing results.

Parameters:dev_branch (str) – name of the branch whose HEAD will be used to calculate the diff of.
Returns:two-tuple of diff, conflict (if any) calculated in the diff algorithm.
Return type:DiffAndConflicts
Raises:ValueError – If the specified dev_branch does not exist.
commit(dev_commit_hash: str) → hangar.diff.DiffAndConflicts

Compute diff between HEAD and commit, returning user-facing results.

Parameters:dev_commit_hash (str) – hash of the commit to be used as the comparison.
Returns:two-tuple of diff, conflict (if any) calculated in the diff algorithm.
Return type:DiffAndConflicts
Raises:ValueError – if the specified dev_commit_hash is not a valid commit reference.
staged() → hangar.diff.DiffAndConflicts

Return diff of staging area to base, returning user-facing results.

Returns:two-tuple of diff, conflict (if any) calculated in the diff algorithm.
Return type:DiffAndConflicts
status() → str

Determine if changes have been made in the staging area

If the contents of the staging area and it’s parent commit are the same, the status is said to be “CLEAN”. If even one column or metadata record has changed however, the status is “DIRTY”.

Returns:“CLEAN” if no changes have been made, otherwise “DIRTY”
Return type:str

Read Only Checkout


class ReaderCheckout

Checkout the repository as it exists at a particular branch.

This class is instantiated automatically from a repository checkout operation. This object will govern all access to data and interaction methods the user requests.

>>> co = repo.checkout()
>>> isinstance(co, ReaderCheckout)

If a commit hash is provided, it will take precedent over the branch name parameter. If neither a branch not commit is specified, the staging environment’s base branch HEAD commit hash will be read.

>>> co = repo.checkout(commit='foocommit')
>>> co.commit_hash
>>> co.close()
>>> co = repo.checkout(branch='testbranch')
>>> co.commit_hash
>>> co.close()

Unlike WriterCheckout, any number of ReaderCheckout objects can exist on the repository independently. Like the write-enabled variant, the close() method should be called after performing the necessary operations on the repo. However, as there is no concept of a lock for read-only checkouts, this is just to free up memory resources, rather than changing recorded access state.

In order to reduce the chance that the python interpreter is shut down without calling close(), - a common mistake during ipython / jupyter sessions - an atexit hook is registered to close(). If properly closed by the user, the hook is unregistered after completion with no ill effects. So long as a the process is NOT terminated via non-python SIGKILL, fatal internal python error, or or special os exit methods, cleanup will occur on interpreter shutdown and resources will be freed. If a non-handled termination method does occur, the implications of holding resources varies on a per-OS basis. While no risk to data integrity is observed, repeated misuse may require a system reboot in order to achieve expected performance characteristics.


Determine if some column name (key) exists in the checkout.


Dictionary style access to columns and samples

Checkout object can be thought of as a “dataset” (“dset”) mapping a view of samples across columns.

>>> dset = repo.checkout(branch='master')
# Get an column contained in the checkout.
>>> dset['foo']
# Get a specific sample from ``'foo'`` (returns a single array)
>>> dset['foo', '1']
# Get multiple samples from ``'foo'`` (returns a list of arrays, in order
# of input keys)
>>> dset[['foo', '1'], ['foo', '2'],  ['foo', '324']]
[np.array([1]), np.ndarray([2]), np.ndarray([324])]
# Get sample from multiple columns, column/data returned is ordered
# in same manner as input of func.
>>> dset[['foo', '1'], ['bar', '1'],  ['baz', '1']]
[np.array([1]), np.ndarray([1, 1]), np.ndarray([1, 1, 1])]
# Get multiple samples from multiple columns            >>> keys = [(col, str(samp)) for samp in range(2) for col in ['foo', 'bar']]
>>> keys
[('foo', '0'), ('bar', '0'), ('foo', '1'), ('bar', '1')]
>>> dset[keys]
[np.array([1]), np.array([1, 1]), np.array([2]), np.array([2, 2])]

Arbitrary column layouts are supported by simply adding additional members to the keys for each piece of data. For example, getting data from a column with a nested layout:

>>> dset['nested_col', 'sample_1', 'subsample_0']
np.array([1, 0])
# a sample accessor object can be retrieved at will...
>>> dset['nested_col', 'sample_1']
<class 'FlatSubsampleReader'>(column_name='nested_col', sample_name='sample_1')
# to get all subsamples in a nested sample use the Ellipsis operator
>>> dset['nested_col', 'sample_1', ...]
{'subsample_0': np.array([1, 0]),
 'subsample_1': np.array([1, 1]),
 'subsample_n': np.array([1, 255])}

Retrieval of data from different column types can be mixed and combined as desired. For example, retrieving data from both flat and nested columns simultaneously:

>>> dset[('nested_col', 'sample_1', '0'), ('foo', '0')]
[np.array([1, 0]), np.array([0])]
>>> dset[('nested_col', 'sample_1', ...), ('foo', '0')]
[{'subsample_0': np.array([1, 0]), 'subsample_1': np.array([1, 1])},
>>> dset[('foo', '0'), ('nested_col', 'sample_1')]
 <class 'FlatSubsampleReader'>(column_name='nested_col', sample_name='sample_1')]

If a column or data key does not exist, then this method will raise a KeyError. As an alternative, missing keys can be gracefully handeled by calling get() instead. This method does not (by default) raise an error if a key is missing. Instead, a (configurable) default value is simply inserted in it’s place.

>>> dset['foo', 'DOES_NOT_EXIST']
KeyError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-40-731e6ea62fb8> in <module>
----> 1 res = co['foo', 'DOES_NOT_EXIST']

column name, sample key(s) or sequence of list/tuple of column name, sample keys(s) which should be retrieved in the operation.

Please see detailed explanation above for full explanation of accepted argument format / result types.

  • Columns – single column parameter, no samples specified
  • Any – Single column specified, single sample key specified
  • List[Any] – arbitrary columns, multiple samples array data for each sample is returned in same order sample keys are received.

Iterate over column keys


Returns number of columns in the checkout.

close() → None

Gracefully close the reader checkout object.

Though not strictly required for reader checkouts (as opposed to writers), closing the checkout after reading will free file handles and system resources, which may improve performance for repositories with multiple simultaneous read checkouts.


Provides access to column interaction object.

Can be used to either return the columns accessor for all elements or a single column instance by using dictionary style indexing.

>>> co = repo.checkout(write=False)
>>> len(co.columns)
>>> print(co.columns.keys())
>>> fooCol = co.columns['foo']
>>> fooCol.dtype
>>> cols = co.columns
>>> fooCol = cols['foo']
>>> fooCol.dtype
>>> fooCol = cols.get('foo')
>>> fooCol.dtype

See also

The class Columns contains all methods accessible by this property accessor

Returns:the columns object which behaves exactly like a columns accessor class but which can be invalidated when the writer lock is released.
Return type:Columns

Commit hash this read-only checkout’s data is read from.

>>> co = repo.checkout()
>>> co.commit_hash
Returns:commit hash of the checkout
Return type:str

Access the differ methods for a read-only checkout.

See also

The class ReaderUserDiff contains all methods accessible by this property accessor

Returns:weakref proxy to the differ object (and contained methods) which behaves exactly like the differ class but which can be invalidated when the writer lock is released.
Return type:ReaderUserDiff
get(keys, default=None, except_missing=False)

View of sample data across columns gracefully handling missing sample keys.

Please see __getitem__() for full description. This method is identical with a single exception: if a sample key is not present in an column, this method will plane a null None value in it’s return slot rather than throwing a KeyError like the dict style access does.

  • keys

    sequence of column name (and optionally) sample key(s) or sequence of list/tuple of column name, sample keys(s) which should be retrieved in the operation.

    Please see detailed explanation in __getitem__() for full explanation of accepted argument format / result types.

  • default (Any, optional) – default value to insert in results for the case where some column name / sample key is not found, and the except_missing parameter is set to False.
  • except_missing (bool, optional) – If False, will not throw exceptions on missing sample key value. Will raise KeyError if True and missing key found.

  • Columns – single column parameter, no samples specified
  • Any – Single column specified, single sample key specified
  • List[Any] – arbitrary columns, multiple samples array data for each sample is returned in same order sample keys are received.


Generator yielding tuple of (name, accessor object) of every column


Generator yielding the name (key) of every column

log(branch: str = None, commit: str = None, *, return_contents: bool = False, show_time: bool = False, show_user: bool = False) → Optional[dict]

Displays a pretty printed commit log graph to the terminal.


For programatic access, the return_contents value can be set to true which will retrieve relevant commit specifications as dictionary elements.

if Neither branch nor commit arguments are supplied, the commit digest of the currently reader checkout will be used as default.

  • branch (str, optional) – The name of the branch to start the log process from. (Default value = None)
  • commit (str, optional) – The commit hash to start the log process from. (Default value = None)
  • return_contents (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true, return the commit graph specifications in a dictionary suitable for programatic access/evaluation.
  • show_time (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true and return_contents is False, show the time of each commit on the printed log graph
  • show_user (bool, optional, kwarg only) – If true and return_contents is False, show the committer of each commit on the printed log graph

Dict containing the commit ancestor graph, and all specifications.

Return type:



Generator yielding accessor object of every column

Flat Column Layout Container

class FlatSampleWriter
__contains__(key: Union[str, int]) → bool

Determine if a key is a valid sample name in the column.

__delitem__(key: Union[str, int]) → None

Remove a sample from the column. Convenience method to delete().

See also

pop() to return a value and then delete it in the same operation

Parameters:key (KeyType) – Name of the sample to remove from the column.
__getitem__(key: Union[str, int])

Retrieve data for some sample key via dict style access conventions.

See also


Parameters:key (KeyType) – Sample key to retrieve from the column.
Returns:Data corresponding to the provided sample key.
Return type:value
Raises:KeyError – if no sample with the requested key exists.
__iter__() → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Create iterator yielding an column sample keys.

Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Sample key contained in the column.
__len__() → int

Check how many samples are present in a given column.

__setitem__(key, value)

Store a piece of data in a column.

See also

update() for an implementation analogous to python’s built in dict.update() method which accepts a dict or iterable of key/value pairs to add in the same operation.

  • key – name to assign to the sample (assuming the column accepts named samples), If str, can only contain alpha-numeric ascii characters (in addition to ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘_’). Integer key must be >= 0. by default, None
  • value – data to store as a sample in the column.
append(value) → Union[str, int]

Store some data in a sample with an automatically generated key.

This method should only be used if the context some piece of data is used in is independent from it’s value (ie. when reading data back, there is no useful information which needs to be conveyed between the data source’s name/id and the value of that piece of information.) Think carefully before going this route, as this posit does not apply to many common use cases.

To store the data with a user defined key, use update() or __setitem__()

Parameters:value – Piece of data to store in the column.
Returns:Name of the generated key this data is stored with.
Return type:KeyType

Code indicating which backing store is used when writing data.


Filter / Compression options applied to backend when writing data.

change_backend(backend: str, backend_options: Optional[dict] = None)

Change the default backend and filters applied to future data writes.


This method is meant for advanced users only. Please refer to the hangar backend codebase for information on accepted parameters and options.

  • backend (str) – Backend format code to swtich to.
  • backend_options (Optional[dict]) – Backend option specification to use (if specified). If left to default value of None, then default options for backend are automatically used.
  • RuntimeError – If this method was called while this column is invoked in a context manager
  • ValueError – If the backend format code is not valid.

Name of the column.


Column layout type (‘nested’, ‘flat’, etc).


Data container type of the column (‘ndarray’, ‘str’, etc).


Bool indicating if all samples in column exist on local disk.

The data associated with samples referencing some remote server will need to be downloaded (fetched in the hangar vocabulary) before they can be read into memory.

Returns:False if at least one sample in the column references data stored on some remote server. True if all sample data is available on the machine’s local disk.
Return type:bool

Bool indicating if sub-samples are contained in this column container.


Dtype of the columns data (np.float, str, etc).

get(key: Union[str, int], default=None)

Retrieve the data associated with some sample key

  • key (KeyType) – The name of the subsample(s) to retrieve. Passing a single subsample key will return the stored data value.
  • default (Any) – if a key parameter is not found, then return this value instead. By default, None.

data data stored under subsample key if key exists, else default value if not found.

Return type:



Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled.

items(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Any]]

Generator yielding (name, data) tuple for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys/values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Tuple[KeyType, Any]] – Name and stored value for every subsample inside the sample.
keys(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Generator yielding the name (key) of every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Keys of one subsample at a time inside the sample.
pop(key: Union[str, int])

Retrieve some value for some key(s) and delete it in the same operation.

Parameters:key (KeysType) – Sample key to remove
Returns:Upon success, the value of the removed key.
Return type:value
Raises:KeyError – If there is no sample with some key in the column.

Compute sample names whose data is stored in a remote server reference.

Returns:list of sample keys in the column whose data references indicate they are stored on a remote server.
Return type:Tuple[KeyType]

Schema type of the contained data (‘variable_shape’, ‘fixed_shape’, etc).


(Max) shape of data that can (is) written in the column.

update(other=None, **kwargs)

Store some data with the key/value pairs from other, overwriting existing keys.

update() implements functionality similar to python’s builtin dict.update() method, accepting either a dictionary or other iterable (of length two) listing key / value pairs.

  • other – Accepts either another dictionary object or an iterable of key/value pairs (as tuples or other iterables of length two). mapping sample names to data value instances instances, If sample name is string type, can only contain alpha-numeric ascii characters (in addition to ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘_’). Int key must be >= 0. By default, None.
  • **kwargs – keyword arguments provided will be saved with keywords as sample keys (string type only) and values as np.array instances.
values(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Generator yielding the data for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk. No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Any] – Values of one subsample at a time inside the sample.

Nested Column Layout Container

class NestedSampleReader
__contains__(key: Union[str, int]) → bool

Determine if some sample key exists in the column.

__getitem__(key: Union[str, int]) → hangar.columns.layout_nested.FlatSubsampleReader

Get the sample access class for some sample key.

Parameters:key (KeyType) – Name of sample to retrieve
Returns:Sample accessor corresponding to the given key
Return type:FlatSubsampleReader
Raises:KeyError – If no sample with the provided key exists.
__iter__() → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Create iterator yielding an column sample keys.

Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Sample key contained in the column.
__len__() → int

Find number of samples in the column


Code indicating which backing store is used when writing data.


Filter / Compression options applied to backend when writing data.


Name of the column.


Column layout type (‘nested’, ‘flat’, etc).


Data container type of the column (‘ndarray’, ‘str’, etc).


Bool indicating all subsamples in sample column exist on local disk.

The data associated with subsamples referencing some remote server will need to be downloaded (fetched in the hangar vocabulary) before they can be read into memory.

Returns:False if at least one subsample in the column references data stored on some remote server. True if all sample data is available on the machine’s local disk.
Return type:bool

Bool indicating if sub-samples are contained in this column container.


Dtype of the columns data (np.float, str, etc).

get(key: Union[str, int, ellipsis, slice], default: Any = None) → hangar.columns.layout_nested.FlatSubsampleReader

Retrieve data for some sample key(s) in the column.

  • key (GetKeysType) – The name of the subsample(s) to retrieve
  • default (Any) – if a key parameter is not found, then return this value instead. By default, None.

Sample accessor class given by name key which can be used to access subsample data.

Return type:



Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled.

items(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Any]]

Generator yielding (name, data) tuple for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys/values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Tuple[KeyType, Any]] – Name and stored value for every subsample inside the sample.
keys(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Generator yielding the name (key) of every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Keys of one subsample at a time inside the sample.

Calculate total number of subsamples existing in all samples in column


Compute subsample names whose data is stored in a remote server reference.

Returns:list of subsample keys in the column whose data references indicate they are stored on a remote server.
Return type:Tuple[KeyType]

Schema type of the contained data (‘variable_shape’, ‘fixed_shape’, etc).


(Max) shape of data that can (is) written in the column.

values(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Generator yielding the tensor data for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk. No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Any] – Values of one subsample at a time inside the sample.
class FlatSubsampleReader
__getitem__(key: Union[str, int, ellipsis, slice]) → Union[Any, Dict[Union[str, int], Any]]

Retrieve data for some subsample key via dict style access conventions.

See also


Parameters:key (GetKeysType) – Sample key to retrieve from the column. Alternatively, slice syntax can be used to retrieve a selection of subsample keys/values. An empty slice (: == slice(None)) or Ellipsis (...) will return all subsample keys/values. Passing a non-empty slice ([1:5] == slice(1, 5)) will select keys to retrieve by enumerating all subsamples and retrieving the element (key) for each step across the range. Note: order of enumeration is not guaranteed; do not rely on any ordering observed when using this method.
Returns:Sample data corresponding to the provided key. or dictionary of subsample keys/data if Ellipsis or slice passed in as key.
Return type:Union[Any, Dict[KeyType, Any]]
Raises:KeyError – if no sample with the requested key exists.

Name of the column.


Bool indicating all subsamples in sample column exist on local disk.

The data associated with subsamples referencing some remote server will need to be downloaded (fetched in the hangar vocabulary) before they can be read into memory.

Returns:False if at least one subsample in the column references data stored on some remote server. True if all sample data is available on the machine’s local disk.
Return type:bool

Return dict mapping every subsample key / data value stored in the sample.

Returns:Dictionary mapping subsample name(s) (keys) to their stored values as numpy.ndarray instances.
Return type:Dict[KeyType, Any]
get(key: Union[str, int], default=None)

Retrieve the data associated with some subsample key

  • key (GetKeysType) – The name of the subsample(s) to retrieve. Passing a single subsample key will return the stored numpy.ndarray
  • default – if a key parameter is not found, then return this value instead. By default, None.

data stored under subsample key if key exists, else default value if not found.

Return type:



Bool indicating if this column object is write-enabled.

items(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Any]]

Generator yielding (name, data) tuple for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys/values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Tuple[KeyType, Any]] – Name and stored value for every subsample inside the sample.
keys(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Union[str, int]]

Generator yielding the name (key) of every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned keys will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[KeyType] – Keys of one subsample at a time inside the sample.

Compute subsample names whose data is stored in a remote server reference.

Returns:list of subsample keys in the column whose data references indicate they are stored on a remote server.
Return type:Tuple[KeyType]

Name of the sample this column subsamples are stured under.

values(local: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Generator yielding the data for every subsample.

Parameters:local (bool, optional) – If True, returned values will only correspond to data which is available for reading on the local disk. No attempt will be made to read data existing on a remote server, by default False.
Yields:Iterable[Any] – Values of one subsample at a time inside the sample.


class ReaderUserDiff

Methods diffing contents of a ReaderCheckout instance.

These provide diffing implementations to compare the current checkout HEAD of a to a branch or commit. The results are generally returned as a nested set of named tuples.

When diffing of commits or branches is performed, if there is not a linear history of commits between current HEAD and the diff commit (ie. a history which would permit a "fast-forward" merge), the result field named conflict will contain information on any merge conflicts that would exist if staging area HEAD and the (compared) "dev" HEAD were merged “right now”. Though this field is present for all diff comparisons, it can only contain non-empty values in the cases where a three way merge would need to be performed.

Fast Forward is Possible

    (master)          (foo)
a ----- b ----- c ----- d

3-Way Merge Required

a ----- b ----- c ----- d
         \               (foo)
          \----- ee ----- ff
branch(dev_branch: str) → hangar.diff.DiffAndConflicts

Compute diff between HEAD and branch name, returning user-facing results.

Parameters:dev_branch (str) – name of the branch whose HEAD will be used to calculate the diff of.
Returns:two-tuple of diff, conflict (if any) calculated in the diff algorithm.
Return type:DiffAndConflicts
Raises:ValueError – If the specified dev_branch does not exist.
commit(dev_commit_hash: str) → hangar.diff.DiffAndConflicts

Compute diff between HEAD and commit hash, returning user-facing results.

Parameters:dev_commit_hash (str) – hash of the commit to be used as the comparison.
Returns:two-tuple of diff, conflict (if any) calculated in the diff algorithm.
Return type:DiffAndConflicts
Raises:ValueError – if the specified dev_commit_hash is not a valid commit reference.

ML Framework Dataloaders


make_tf_dataset(columns, keys: Sequence[str] = None, index_range: slice = None, shuffle: bool = True)

Uses the hangar columns to make a tensorflow dataset. It uses from_generator function from with a generator function that wraps all the hangar columns. In such instances tensorflow Dataset does shuffle by loading the subset of data which can fit into the memory and shuffle that subset. Since it is not really a global shuffle make_tf_dataset accepts a shuffle argument which will be used by the generator to shuffle each time it is being called.

Warning currently uses tf.compat.v1.py_func() internally. Hence the serialization function (yield_data) will not be serialized in a GraphDef. Therefore, you won’t be able to serialize your model and restore it in a different environment if you use make_tf_dataset. The operation must run in the same address space as the Python program that calls tf.compat.v1.py_func(). If you are using distributed TensorFlow, you must run a tf.distribute.Server in the same process as the program that calls tf.compat.v1.py_func() and you must pin the created operation to a device in that server (e.g. using with tf.device():)

  • columns (Columns or Sequence) – A column object, a tuple of column object or a list of column objects`
  • keys (Sequence[str]) – An iterable of sample names. If given only those samples will fetched from the column
  • index_range (slice) – A python slice object which will be used to find the subset of column. Argument keys takes priority over index_range i.e. if both are given, keys will be used and index_range will be ignored
  • shuffle (bool) – generator uses this to decide a global shuffle accross all the samples is required or not. But user doesn’t have any restriction on doing`column.shuffle()` on the returned column


>>> from hangar import Repository
>>> from hangar import make_tf_dataset
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution()
>>> repo = Repository('.')
>>> co = repo.checkout()
>>> data = co.columns['mnist_data']
>>> target = co.columns['mnist_target']
>>> tf_dset = make_tf_dataset([data, target])
>>> tf_dset = tf_dset.batch(512)
>>> for bdata, btarget in tf_dset:
...     print(bdata.shape, btarget.shape)


make_torch_dataset(columns, keys: Sequence[str] = None, index_range: slice = None, field_names: Sequence[str] = None)

Returns a object which can be loaded into a


On Windows systems, setting the parameter num_workers in the resulting method will result in a RuntimeError or deadlock. This is due to limitations of multiprocess start methods on Windows itself. Using the default argument value (num_workers=0) will let the DataLoader work in single process mode as expected.

  • columns (Columns or Sequence) – A column object, a tuple of column object or a list of column objects.
  • keys (Sequence[str]) – An iterable collection of sample names. If given only those samples will fetched from the column
  • index_range (slice) – A python slice object which will be used to find the subset of column. Argument keys takes priority over range i.e. if both are given, keys will be used and range will be ignored
  • field_names (Sequence[str], optional) – An array of field names used as the field_names for the returned dict keys. If not given, column names will be used as the field_names.


>>> from hangar import Repository
>>> from import DataLoader
>>> from hangar import make_torch_dataset
>>> repo = Repository('.')
>>> co = repo.checkout()
>>> aset = co.columns['dummy_aset']
>>> torch_dset = make_torch_dataset(aset, index_range=slice(1, 100))
>>> loader = DataLoader(torch_dset, batch_size=16)
>>> for batch in loader:
...     train_model(batch)