
For general usage it is recommended that you use a pre-built version of Hangar, either from a Python Distribution, or a pre-built wheel from PyPi.

Pre-Built Installation

Python Distributions

If you do not already use a Python Distribution, we recommend the Anaconda (or Miniconda) distribution, which supports all major operating systems (Windows, MacOSX, & the typical Linux variations). Detailed usage instructions are available on the anaconda website.

To install Hangar via the Anaconda Distribution (from the conda-forge conda channel):

conda install -c conda-forge hangar

Wheels (PyPi)

If you have an existing python installation on your computer, pre-built Hangar Wheels can be installed via pip from the Python Package Index (PyPi):

pip instal hangar

Source Installation

To install Hangar from source, clone the repository from Github:

git clone
cd hangar-py
python install

Or use pip on the local package if you want to install all dependencies automatically in a development environment:

pip install -e .